Why turn a case study into a video?

Everyone loves a case study, it adds credibility to your brand, shows a person or firm championing what you do and gives your employees that feel-good factor about what they do!
Are words not enough though? – we don’t think so and here is why…
- The narrative
A story can be told many times more effectively when spoken, rather than written. You get into the little details of the project, outline the story and explain exactly what happened. You also see facial reactions, tones of voice and body gestures which all help to paint the correct picture and feeling. A smile on somebody’s face says more than most.
- Enhance credibility
It’s OK writing up a case study, but having someone willing to go on camera, speak about what you do and tell everybody else how fantastic you are – well, it’s an opportunity not to be missed.
Many people worry if companies will go on camera for them – the answer is yes, they will! Also, sometimes these video testimonials can be utilised by your clients too, internally, to show particular innovation or progress in a certain area. Overall video is a great way of sharing and there’s nothing like your current customers winning new customers for you, both internal and external.
- Engagement
People love video. It’s easy to watch and engaging. The statistics show this and that's why it makes it an easy method for people to learn more about you.
You can also have shorter cut down versions, specifically for social media to drive that type of engagement even higher.
- Trust
Building trust and rapport with people is how business is done. A video can begin to develop that without you even meeting. If your potential new customer feels like they already have some insight into you before making contact that’s got to be a good thing.
- Reach
Facebook, Web, LinkedIn, Targeted Ads, Instagram and many other platforms give your video the chance to reach an incredible number of people over written text than ever before. People are much more likely to click a call to action after watching a video and for that reason alone it’s a no-brainer.
Let us know what you think. Have you had success with case references, or are you looking to increase your customer and prospect reach through them?