Using the past to support people’s future in an emotional motion graphics case study

Type of Video
Case Studies | Animation

Project Objectives

Beacon Counselling Trust sent us a brief to raise awareness about a support clinic they have, Paul’s Place. Paul’s Place was formed through a personal tragedy and collectively the charity wanted to build the narrative and raise awareness in the Merseyside area of the facility to those that are struggling with a hard-hitting and emotionally charged video.

Our Solution

We wanted to build the case study using 2D motion graphics to tell the story from start to end of the tragedy. We felt exploring the raw detail would allow us to capture the attention of those in need and therefore raise awareness of the support in the area. It’s important to humanise such a story to welcome those who need help, something we did with the use of the video in the latter stages.

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We've produced further case study films for the charity now, around gambling in the Asian Community. We used 2D motion graphics to bring this subject to life and spread the message of help and support among those in the community, using a real-life story.