A unique series of films celebrating the 200 year anniversary of Camira Transport

Type of Video
Company | Campaign

Project Objectives

Camira wanted to set a suite of three films to celebrate the 200-year anniversary of their transport division. This suite of films needs to show the past, present and future as we explore the heritage, innovations, history and exciting future of the fabric company. They wanted to the films to be elegant, stylish and be something that staff, customers and the whole transport industry could be proud of.

Our Solution

The film celebrating the past has been released with the “present” and “future” films still in production. It was clear this film needed to be special, contain a lot of content and delve into the heritage. We decided on a stylish talking heads setup and to interview key people at each stage. Industry icon, Michael Holdsworth was a clear choice for film one, as we used projection and old photos on polaroids with magical effects and transitions to make this film feel uniquely special - celebrating the past and its story.

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