Join The Yorkshire Vet as he speaks with our furry friends in some puppy advice videos

Type of Video
Promotional | Social | Tutorial | Brand | Campaign

Project Objectives

For Harrington's, we created over twenty pieces of short and sharp content with their brand ambassador, Peter Wright, The Yorkshire Vet. This was the third time we had worked with Peter for Harrington’s.

Harrington's wanted some tongue-in-cheek but factual videos that made pets the hero.

Our Solution

We came up with the idea of creating a “puppy clinic”, where dogs would visit Peter with their most asked questions.

The content now sits proudly on Harrington's website as long-term content, great for SEO and new pet owners who are taking their first steps into puppy ownership. The aim of the content was to develop trust and push the Harrington’s brand in front of puppy owners.

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