Taking a campaign from concept to completion in the name of well-being

Type of Video
Social | Campaign | Featured

Project Objectives

Every March is #NationalBedMonth and we are delighted to support The National Bed Federation with their latest campaign video and creative.

We worked on the theme of "change your bed, change your life" as the company wanted to promote good well-being, improved performance and general good health from getting a good night's sleep - which sometimes means a new mattress!

Our Solution

The idea was an online campaign around the invention of a new "miracle product"!

We created a tongue-in-cheek narrative with the world seemingly waking up after a brilliant night's sleep, whereas our character (played by Nicky Campbell) was the none wiser!

With all creative, production, and post-production handled in-house, we brought this campaign idea to life for March!

National Bed Month Video Campaign 2
National Bed Month Video Campaign 3
National Bed Month Video Campaign 4
National Bed Month Video Campaign 5

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